
Premium 100% Pure Organic USP Grade Natural Menthol Crystals - Free Shipping

$ 1.8

Availability: 503 in stock
  • Department: Teens
  • Condition: New
  • Manufacturer Warranty: 1 Month
  • Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)
  • Style: 經典
  • Effect: 減少情緒壓力和焦慮
  • Year Manufactured: 2020
  • All returns accepted: Returns Accepted
  • Era: 21世紀(2000-現在)
  • Number of Settings: 1
  • Number in Pack: 1
  • Container Type: Box
  • Item must be returned within: 30 Days
  • Installation Area: Indoor
  • Labels & Certifications: Organic
  • Brand: 無品牌
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Unknown
  • Features: Organic
  • Scent: Menthol
  • Return shipping will be paid by: Seller
  • Material: 薄荷
  • Humidity Control: 手動
  • For: 芳香療法
  • Type: Scented & Essential Oils
  • Product Line: Wellbeing
  • Color: 清楚


    高級 100% 純有機 USP 級天然薄荷晶體!
    標題 :
    在水療中心使用 - 將一些晶體放在蒸汽室的碗中,或將一些晶體放在油加熱器中,並放置少量油。
    養蜂 - 門特霍爾水晶將有助於消除蜂巢中的小蟲。
    在室溫下的自然狀態下,Menthol 晶體看起來是無色或白色、堅固但小而脆、缎面晶體物質,質地蠟質。
    使用藥用,門特霍爾水晶工作,以解決疼痛,疼痛,抽筋,扭傷和刺激。通過啟動對寒冷溫度敏感的身體受體,Menthol Crystals 在按部就班或吸入時會發出冷卻感,使其成為促進氣道開放感的去充氣劑的理想用途。薄荷晶體表現出有效的抗痙攣特性,有助於放鬆肌肉,而其抗藥性品質可解決緊張性頭痛、噁心和頭暈,從而降低嘔吐風險。
    用於芳香療法應用,薄荷晶體可以幫助減少鼻子和肺部的擁塞。為了緩解呼吸不適,在個人喜好擴散器中加入一小撮薄荷晶體。對於不涉及使用電動擴散器的去正宗配方,首先將 1-2 個晶體放入一碗蒸熱水中,然後將一條大毛巾披在頭部和碗上,然後直接深吸,打開鼻竇。確保眼睛關閉,因為門特霍爾水晶可能會刺痛眼睛。Menthol 晶體和蒸汽的結合被譽為舒緩刺激、發炎和充血鼻竇,從而通過促進粘液的排出來更容易呼吸。
    對於可以在淋浴時實現的薄荷晶體注入蒸汽吸入方法,只需在淋浴或浴缸邊緣周圍安排 1~2 茶匙的晶體,然後再開始洗澡。在淋浴或洗澡期間,水中的熱量將允許晶體融化並散發出令人振奮的氣味,這被譽為具有增強免疫力的品質。
    用於化妝品和一般主題應用,Menthol Crystals 有助於舒緩保濕霜或洗澡,並可以鎮定皮膚發炎或晒傷區域。當用於溫暖的冬季浴缸時,薄荷水晶可以解決擁堵問題,並有助於增強免疫力。要製作具有此效果的沐浴浸泡配方,徹底攪拌薄荷水晶與粉紅喜馬拉雅鹽、Epsom 鹽以及總共 28 滴個人喜歡的精油。要使用由此產生的混合物,請將全部量倒入溫水浴中。如果使用較少的量,混合物的剩餘部分可以存儲在個人喜好罐中。這種混合物只應由成人使用。
    對於一個冷卻去角質磨砂,去除死皮,促進皮膚的自然照明,並揭示更新,更健康的皮膚,首先用砂漿和糾纏研磨1茶匙門特霍爾水晶,直到他們是細磨海鹽粒的大小。接下來,在混合碗中,將地面薄荷晶體與1~2杯細海鹽和1湯匙木瓜粉水果提取物混合。為此,加入 45 毫升(1.5 盎司)首選的開利油,並將所有成分徹底混合在一起。在此混合物中,加入 1~2 茶匙的香油或個人喜好的精油。本食譜推薦有甜味的油。要使用這種去角質劑,只需用指尖鏟一小撮磨砂,然後輕輕地將其揉入首選的皮膚區域,例如皮膚乾燥、沉悶或剝落的區域。應避免皮膚敏感部位。建議迅速使用這種混合物,以確保它保持其最佳效果。它可以存儲在120克(4盎司)罐中。
    對於一個門特霍爾水晶注入的身體化妝水,被譽為舒緩疼痛,同時激勵疲憊的肌肉, 首先將以下成分組合在 950 毫升(32 盎司)罐中:1/3 杯開利油、1/3 杯個人喜好的身體黃油(如可哥、Shea 或芒果)和 1/3 杯 Beeswax。接下來,用水裝滿一個小平底鍋,將平底鍋放在爐子上,並將裝滿的罐子放在水中,以創建雙鍋爐。讓水在低溫下煮沸,攪拌罐子裡的東西,直到它們融化。一旦罐子的成分合併成光滑的混合物,從熱中取出平底鍋,一次攪拌以下成分到混合,直到每個成分完全溶解:1湯匙薄荷晶體,10滴冷卻精油,1~2茶匙首選草藥油。門特霍爾晶體的數量可以根據所需的效力進行調整。接下來,將由此產生的混合物倒入個人喜好模具中,以硬化。一旦化妝水條冷卻,小心地把它們從模具中彈出。要使用這些條,只需將它們擦在乾燥的皮膚上,因為它們會隨著身體熱量融化。這些自然保濕和滋養棒可以隨時使用,如淋浴后,並可以存儲在任何涼爽,乾燥的地方長達6個月。
    對於增強生長的發油配方,首先在 4 Tbsp. 中稀釋 1~2 茶匙的薄荷醇晶體,以達到個人喜好。接下來,將頭髮分割,將少量的油鏟到指尖上,按摩混合到頭皮上,並將其平滑到整個股。用普通的洗髮水洗頭。此方案每周可重複兩次。
    用於藥用應用,薄荷晶體被譽為清除鼻竇和減少發燒。要製作一個經典的蒸汽擦,可以應用於頸部,胸部,或腳底,首先決定用於產品基礎的Beeswax的數量。無論蠟是以糕點的形式出現,還是粗切的1~2英寸方片,使用22毫升(3/4盎司)將產生不太粘稠,軟膏般的一致性,奶油和乳液的特點:然而,使用30毫升(1盎司)的蜜蜂會產生一種香膏般的固體,這將需要稍微更多的壓力,以按部次施用,並可能需要按摩到皮膚的最佳滲透。將首選的 Beeswax 量與 240 毫升(8 盎司)混合雙鍋爐頂部的載體油,在低熱時加熱混合物。蠟融化后,從熱中取出混合物,攪拌1~2茶匙或1茶匙薄荷晶體,20滴有機桉樹精油,15滴有機薄荷精油,然後快速將混合物轉移到乾淨的玻璃罐中。罐子必須封頂,以防止油蒸發:然而,必須留在頂部的小開口,首先讓混合物完全冷卻。要使用這種蒸汽擦,只需在指尖上挖少量,按摩到腳底,或按摩一毛錢大小的額頭。這種香膏的活力氣味也有效緩解焦慮、壓力和緊張,從而有效地作為芳香療法產品發揮作用。應用於頸部,這種唾液被讚揚,以減少喉嚨痛的炎症特徵。
    Alternatively, a foot soak can be made by combining Menthol Crystals with Epsom Salt, Fine Dead Sea Salt, and a total of 80 drops of essential oils with cooling and soothing effects. It is important to wear protective gloves when picking up Menthol Crystals, as their cooling and numbing properties should not travel to sensitive areas of the body, such as the eyes. Next, using the pulse setting of the processor, thoroughly combine and mince all the ingredients until they are finely ground. Transfer the blend to a sealable plastic food storage bag. This recipe is strictly for the feet, as Menthol Crystals are too concentrated to submerge the entire body in a bath soak without causing sensitive areas to experience irritation.
    To make a salve that is reputed to soothe aching muscles and joints, begin by combining Beeswax, a Carrier Oil, and a preferred body butter in a double boiler and heating the mixture until the butter has melted and the oils have warmed up, at which point the mixture can be removed from the heat. To this blend, add Menthol Crystals and stir them until they have completely dissolved. Next, stir in 4 Tbsp. another preferred Carrier Oil, and a total of 100 drops of preferred Essential Oils that are known to have anti-inflammatory, stimulating, strengthening, and immune-boosting effects. Transfer this final blend to a clean glass jar but allow it to cool before capping the jar. For optimal shelf-life and to preserve the texture of the salve, store the jar in the refrigerator. To use this soothing salve, massage it into areas of the body afflicted with soreness, tightness, and aches. This salve is believed to be safe for use on all skin types, including sensitive types. After each application, ensure that the hands have been washed thoroughly to avoid spreading the salve to delicate areas.
    A Guide to Menthol Crystal Varieties & Their Benefits
    Country of Origin:
    Believed to:
    Be naturally obtained from crystallized Organic Mentha Arvensis (Peppermint) Essential Oil, which is derived from the steam distillation of the Peppermint herb
    Be colorless and transparent with a sharp, minty scent, which has a cooling effect that makes them ideal for diverse applications
    Be suitable for incorporation in perfumes, cosmetics, balms, lotions, creams, shampoos, and conditioners at the recommended usage level of 0.5-8 %
    Menthol Crystal Side Effects
    As with all other New Directions Aromatics products, Menthol Crystals are for external use only. It is imperative to consult a medical practitioner before using this product for therapeutic purposes. Pregnant and nursing women are especially advised not to use Menthol Crystals without the medical advice of a physician, as they may have an effect on certain hormone secretions and it is unclear whether these effects are transferable to babies at these stages of development. This product should always be stored in an area that is inaccessible to children, especially those under the age of 7.
    Those with the following health conditions are recommended to be advised by a physician: cancer, heart-related ailments, skin disorders, or hormone-related ailments. Individuals that are taking prescription drugs, undergoing major surgery, or who are at a greater risk of experiencing strokes, heart attacks, or atherosclerosis are also advised to seek medical consultation prior to use. Menthol Crystals should not be applied to open wounds or broken skin, as this may facilitate the Menthol?s penetration into the body in concentrations that may be toxic. During topical application, it is also safer to prevent Menthol-enriched products from coming into contact with heat, such as heating pads, which also work to enhance skin?s absorption of the product, thereby potentially leading to excessive amounts of Menthol in the body or even tissue death.
    Prior to using Menthol Crystals, a skin test is recommended. This can be done by creating a dilution of 1 part Menthol Crystal to 4 parts Carrier Oil and applying a dime-size amount of this blend to a small area of skin that is not sensitive. Menthol Crystals must never be used near the eyes, inner nose, and ears, or on any other particularly sensitive areas of skin. Potential side effects of Menthol Crystals include irritation of the skin and mucus membranes, itching, rashes, chemical burns, ataxia, soreness at application site, abdominal pain, nausea, lethargy, dizziness, vomiting, nasal discomfort, tremors, chest hardness, inflammation of the mouth or face, coma, difficulty breathing or swallowing, and irregular heartbeat.
    Those seeking medical care to manage moods, behaviors, or disorders should treat this product as a complementary remedy rather than a replacement for any medicinal treatments or prescriptions. In the event of an allergic reaction, discontinue use of the product and see a doctor, pharmacist, or allergist immediately for a health assessment and appropriate remedial action. To prevent side effects, consult with a medical professional prior to use.
    In order to protect the respiratory system and sensitive areas of skin from experiencing any discomfort from the potency of Menthol Crystals, it is highly recommended that they be used at no more than 5% dilution.